Tag Archives: human papillomavirus

Human Papillomavirus continued

In addition to being infectious, the Human papillomavirus(HPV) is important to consider when you are pregnant. Although you may have lesions in the vagina and on the vulva, there is a low incidence of spread to the infant during birth (2-4%). However, when transmission from mother to infant does occur, a serious conditon known as laryngeal papillomatosis can be present in the newborn.
Do away with anxiety @ the dangers of HPV infecton. Limit your chances of exposure to HPV by limiting your lifetime sexual partners.
(more on HPV and other sexual diseases)

Human Papillomavirus Continued

It seems like there’s an epidemic of Human Papillomavirus and dysplasia of the cervix especially in resort communities like the Outer Banks. Positive pap smears have increased in incidence since 2007 when the last large study was conducted. Why are women having more positive pap smears? It’s not an easy question to answer but we do know that age groups 15 to 27 are not the only groups affected.

We are now finding that pre-menopausal and menopausal women are having positive pap smears. This is important because in the last three years patients are not being reimbursed for pap smears that are done annually. That is not to say that annual pap smears are important for every patient but for some patients they are life saving.

What can we do about this problem? If you find yourself in a situation where you need a pap smear done and it cannot be paid for there are multiple sources where you can get a pap smear under a state or federal program. Feel free to call our office for further information. 252-491-8550

Human Papillomavirus & Cancer of the Cervix

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted disease. It is more common than Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Syphilis. It is especially rampant among teens who are having sex with multiple partners because they don’t realize how very contagious this disease is nor do they realize how serious it is. 90% of women who have cancer of the cervix are found to have an associated HPV infection. One of the other problems complicating this disease and increasing its incidence is the fact that heterosexual couples are having anal intercourse without realizing how dangerous it is.

For more information on HPV please comment on this page or email personal questions to drdahm@centurylink.net.

Dr. Norman Dahm is board certified in OB/GYN. For more information on his profile please email him at the above email address.